Improvements in Michigan's Public Schools Highlighted During State Board Meeting

State Board of Education: Michigan students performed better than last year in most grades and in most subjects on state assessments.

CTE completers who took an entire program of study rather than a single CTE course or two increased, by almost 8,400 students, or 19 percent, to 52,625, the highest level in Michigan history.

Despite the great progress in school funding, though, Michigan continues to underfund schools by billions of dollars.

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Selected Grant News Headlines

A customized collection of grant news from foundations and the federal government from around the Web.

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2025 Election Questionnaire: Andrew Fekete, Huntley School District 158 Board of ...

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Q&Amp;A: These Candidates Want to Be on Arlington Isd School Board. Here Are Their Priorities

Incumbent trustee David Wilbanks faces April Williams Moore in his run for reelection to the Arlington ISD school board.Wilbanks: "My experience, commitment, and deep understanding of the district's...more

Improvements in Michigan's Public Schools Highlighted During State Board Meeting

State Board of Education: Michigan students performed better than last year in most grades and in most subjects on state assessments.CTE completers who took an entire program of study rather than a...more

Long Beach Teens Invited to Lead Creative Messaging For Youth Opioid Awareness Campaign

Long Beach's new Youth Opioid Awareness Campaign aims to educate teens about the dangers of opioids.High school students ages 14 to 18 who want to participate in the campaign are invited to apply.The...more

Meet the 2025 Chancellor's Distinguished Award Winners
Foundation: Pittsburgh Foundation

Rebecca Thurston, a professor in the School of Medicine and School of Public Health, was awarded for her research's profound impact on public discourse and policy.Rachel Bezanson, an associate...more

Cascade Enrichment Unveils New Learning Center and Stem-Focused Before and After ...

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Officials Announce Plans For New Asu Health Headquarters in Downtown Phoenix

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Donor Desk: Lan Shaw
Foundation: San Francisco Foundation

The Oakland Ballet's groundbreaking production, Angel Island Project, is a breathtaking 90-minute performance that transforms a painful chapter of American history into a moving tribute to resilience...more

Ncs Reaches New Milestone With Marzano Certification

Northwest Christian School in Puyallup, Washington, received recognition in January 2025 as a Marzano High Reliability School Level 2.The HRS model is a research-based framework that helps schools...more

The government-backed Social Investment Research Council is newly formed to hatch practical insights into social investment market products, and the investors needed to finance them.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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