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Kresge Foundation,
Kellogg Foundation
A 2023 "True Cost of Care" report found that Michigan child care providers earned an average salary of just $23,020 in 2019.
The State of Michigan would need to invest an additional $2.2 billion in subsidies into the early childhood system to meet the true cost of care, just for those families at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
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Young Scientists Get Creative!
A date to set a trial for a High Prairie woman charged with second-degree MLA Sinclair pays heavy price for supporting LSL.A young man will be going to jail after taking several 'Pasta' salt and
...more Embed Creativity in Curriculum, Report Urges
Children's creative talents must be nurtured in state schools, says final Child of the North education campaign report.Report recommends providing free music or singing lessons for every child who
...more Local Art Students Take Over Liberty Center
Hundreds of pieces of artwork students from Lakota schools are on display at Liberty Center over the next month.The partnership between the Fitton Center for Creative Arts and Lakota Local School